
EVENT: NAPCRG Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) on June 17-18, 2024 


Anna Templeton, DNP1 & Anna Steeves-Reece, PhD, MPH, MA1 Megan Douglas2, Kendall Dunlop-Korsness3, Anne Gaglioti2,4, Hirut Kassaye5, Anne King3, Matthew Howard3, Phoebe Nelms2, Peggy Nygren3, Denita Walston2, Erika Cottrell1,3 1. OCHIN, Inc, 2. Morehouse School of Medicine, 3. Oregon Health & Science University, 4. Case Western Reserve University, 5. Health Choice Network 


Community health centers provide primary care in communities that are historically marginalized and underserved by health care and research. As health disparities widen and deepen, researchers and funders are recognizing the value health centers can contribute to more inclusive and representative patient participation in research as organizations that often have high levels of trust with the communities they serve as well as experience and expertise specific to their communities and settings. A group of health center networks are working together through the Network for Community-engaged Primary Care Research, or NCPCR, to build on this potential in ways that support health centers as well as patients engage and participate more in research while trying to reduce the amount of effort and resources, or burden, associated with this extra work. This session will describe what we are doing to learn from available evidence and what health centers have experienced in their own settings and context in order to find tools, approaches, or ways of setting research up that are suitable for use with health centers and the people they serve.