Integrating Interpreters Into the Clinical Research Team February 23, 2022 --- Boston Medical Center (BMC) takes pride in serving the communities in their region. Nearly one-th... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
New York City CEAL and Partners use Digital Storytelling to Encourage Youth Vaccination February 15, 2022 --- The New York Community Engagement Alliance (NYCEAL), has partnered with New York University’s Rap... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
An Inter-Faith Alliance to Stop COVID-19 January 12, 2022 --- In February, Tabia Henry Akintobi, Ph.D., M.P.H., received an urgent call from Reverend Jasper W.... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
Dance Battles and Stories to Boost COVID-19 Vaccinations October 28, 2021 --- Dance battles might not look much like labs, but that’s where researchers from Washington Univers... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
Community Translation in Colorado October 15, 2021 --- In Colorado communities especially hard hit by the pandemic, health officials realized they neede... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
Vaccine Unity: “Let’s Do This Together” October 21, 2021 --- After Suheddy Peña got vaccinated for COVID-19 at one of New York City’s largest food pantries, s... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
CBS Mornings highlights Pennsylvania CEAL work as Philly teens fight vaccine rumors August 10, 2021 --- Twenty-seven Philadelphia-area teens are volunteering to talk to their peers about COVID-19 and t... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
A Tribal Health Care Model That Works July 30, 2021 --- The way Samantha Sabo, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., sees it, community health workers in Arizona and communit... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities
Research Helps Ensure COVID-19 Therapies Benefit the U.S. Population July 20, 2021 --- As researchers studied how to prevent and treat COVID-19 over the past year, they needed to be ce... Topic(s) Community-Specific Health Disparities