New York City CEAL and Partners use Digital Storytelling to Encourage Youth Vaccination
The New York Community Engagement Alliance (NYCEAL), has partnered with New York University’s Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics for Underserved Populations (NYU RADx-UP), New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), and the NYU-CUNY Prevention Research Center to launch a digital storytelling campaign. #Vax4Community features short videos of young New Yorkers, sharing stories of how COVID-19 has impacted them.
NYCEAL and its partners hope social media will harness the power and influence of these young people to increase vaccine confidence among their peers. #Vax4Community and the experts at The Story Center teamed up to help these young people produce their own videos. They created compelling stories about their personal lives and their reasons for getting vaccinated.
Over the next few months, the #Vax4Community team will release 15 video stories reflecting the rich diversity of youth across the city. Follow the #Vax4Community campaign on Twitter @NYU_CUNY_PRC, Instagram @NYU_CUNY_PRC, and LinkedIn NYU-CUNY Prevention Research Center to see all the stories.
Last updated: January 6, 2024